海島4224號系列 ISLE4224 Series
黑色深影緩緩燃燒起 , 白色仍停留在沉默觀坐的想像海洋波濤中
物為物, 形體為幻影, 死亡重生真真假假的一支透視顯微鏡
此次創作屬於 "微:Homeland_Dreambody" 計劃系列。
呈現型式包括三部分: 裝置、表演、錄像。
*此創作裝置2014花蓮市藝托邦 (藝術一條街)
拍攝與美國藝術家John Geary的裝置作品結合及互動於藝托邦現場演出實况*
endlessly, twirling the gorgeous and ethereal waltz..
Deep shadows of BLACK slowly burning its flame, while WHITE still stay in that silent sitting amidst a imaginary oceanic waves.
Matter as substance, form as phantom,
death-rebirth/reality-surreality of dubious humanity through a microscopic perspective.
Gradually erasing or gently finding the deepest memories buried in the body, ghost dreams, spirit elves, nature life cycles thus appear one by one through familiar and unrecognizable-nameless songs, through fragments of storytelling, through movements to dance.
The creative work belong to “MICRO: Homeland_Dreambody” series. The basis of developing work include three parts: Workshops Shooting videos Live Performance & exhibition The three part echoes the different timeline (past-present-future) of events and the invisible stories told circling infinitely as a mobius stripe.
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