
Sunday, December 15, 2024

Falling Velvet

Not for the show or glory, but for the earthling experiences to ponder n evolve. Past has the keys to future, break the linear patterns n make it like water flow, evolve like movements in continuum. 

It's the empty space that makes the music too. I had past two years of intense healing death rebirth period stopping doing anything else,  plus past ten years taking care of loved ones. However, now flowing into the next continuum.

I am still and forever discovering the new ways of being and existence, past still teaches me and guides me forth.  The universe has infinite ways of being indeed, always a miracle to witness n let it living and flow thru me. 

This short "Falling Velvet" was like a mini draft inspired by my own life's struggles violences and also witnessing the falls of other fellow beings and thus  think deeply how we all can fall gracefully like nature changing seasons, tree leaves fall to the ground, then become rich soils for the new seeds to grow. Less violence more grace in manifestations actions in this duality world.

May all beings on earth experience and discover the pieces of life by heart & peace that were born as gifts in all of our primal beings.

*Picture/ Video: 2021/11/14 

Falling Velvet, screening at the Yard Theater, Vastlab Experimental Film Festival, Filmmaker's QnA session

Falling Velvet Filmmakers QNA

Saturday, December 14, 2024



202412 隨手記

圖片: 創作者 enchanted rubbish 

Friday, December 13, 2024

Writing the Self | Performing the We

 「Those who are familiar with my past performances and variant artworks know that I often used the word "vulnerability" and "naked soul". 

In different events in my life, also every day life, I continue to learn this, humbly and still find it amazing. I am forever a student of life. 

A snapshot of me in performance illustrates the full naked soul, a vulnerable human, that can be broken and moved all the time.  

No plan. No conventional choreography. Just using my body to paint a landscape that allows the spirit coming thru. 

But as I often say: vulnerability is showing the naked soul , is not the naked body. It's vibrations are thick thru time like wine or food stewed for a long time & is utterly beautiful. That's one of  the gifts I can give to the world」

I said the above to the art critic who studies and writes about  my work and makes inquisitive interesting questions to evoke me to put feelings into words. Thank her sincerely for the initiating act.

I laugh, & continue to say: 

「I don't need a critic, as I have been myself the hardest critics of myself in former lifetime.

Those days are gone. Now I need a lover. 

So I began to become a lover to myself. 」

Tuesday, December 10, 2024





喝奶茶、 靜默地盯著天空好幾個小時、鳥飛過和同行人說一句:「那是什麼鳥啊?」「也許是kingfisher?」「嗯嗯」、繼續坐著享受心靈平和無所求的時光、吃飯、專心吃飯因為要找出適合手抓的方式否則吃不到好吃的、睡覺用睡袋睡在簡陋的土地上、神經質的聽著一堆人大通舖的呼吸漸漸睡去、醒來、沒電沒訊號手機是廢物、在小筆記本本裡塗鴉+把採集的當地植物葉子乾花瓣放裡面、寫詩散文、哼歌、一起慢走去其他村落、教當地沙漠古老遊牧民族跳舞瑜伽、中暑、休息、聽晨課聽到睡著、聽到宇宙哲學後講到人類啥啥就飄走、等等等。

照片很多, 自行想像,這樣較有趣 ~*~


前幾日為了回應一位不認識歐洲藝評寄來的信件, 錄了兩段隨意的錄音。這位藝評提出兩點要探討我的作品。中文翻譯覺得都有些奇怪,建議有興趣的慢慢看網上的英文解說順便練英文。

我和她回信說, 自從很久以前我已經離開認真鑽研各種“主義”的階段了,尤其是新名詞, 基本上聽過但也就只有聽過,很尊敬的但很誠實的說太多的blahblah我大腦容量有限所以選擇性的接收外來任何訊息。不過為了準備回應她的一些深的問題,我會基本的閱讀一下這兩個的意思。

有唸哲學出身的朋友們, 歡迎私訊我告訴我你們認為的上面兩項是什麼,以免到時我胡說八道天馬行空氣死人呀 XD 之所以做作品而不是去寫書也是因為如此不是嗎?

分享一下這兩段錄音,都是英文, 不要再問我我們都是台灣人為什麼要說英文? 不好意思那你對台灣人的見解真的是太狹窄了!我們不但有對彼此說英文的,還有說客家話的、印尼話越南印度話的、各種各國話的都有,還有說外星語的呢 哈哈😏😁 Freedom of Speech~


祝大家安好順流 🙏


2) https://on.soundcloud.com/CpqPuhttps://on.soundcloud.com/CpqPu

Ps: I miss snow❄️ ⛄