【聆聽零 – 微塵有聲】 - 詩歌行動裝置靜態展覽
【Nos Souffle d’Echo】+ CONCERT/ PERFORMANCE
表演者:梅心怡 (行為表演), 黃耀廷 (行為表演), 劉芳一 (現場音樂)
動態系列計畫內容 :
以 多元美學,現場參與性質, 與開放觀眾對話 ; 邀約台灣當代藝術家 , 不論在地或海外遊子, 對國內當代藝術, 與當代社會生活共生的人文生態現況 ; 以簡約樸質方式, 透過現場活化的藝術實踐, 不論是感性抒發, 或智性探索, 共同進行現場審視, 紀錄, 與關懷 !
希望本著春秋戰國思想視野 豐富的東方哲學人文傳承 積極實踐莊周以明內涵,將藝術智慧實踐於當代民主自由社會生活的日常道理。
一系列行動藝術即興音樂會, 將以現場行動, 與對話座談方式, 如感性或 智性, 如正版與拓版方式, 相互顯現.三個次標題作為現場出發的力點 :關於人/ 關於藝術生存與生存藝術/ 關於全球化中地球儀時空的溫室效應。
Performer:Yoshua Yoshiyama (Live Music) , Tony Huang (Performance art), Delphine Mei (Performance Art)
"Humanistic perspective on contemporary Poetry Arts-Action Practice"
By multiple aesthetics, participation, open dialogue to the audience, invite the Taiwan contemporary artist, both in land and overseas, their art practice in contemporary society ,as the cultural and ecological living way. Through live art practices and with simplicity aesthetic, whether it is emotional expression, or intellectual exploration, by art practice with the review in-situ, record, and care!
Go through the rich perspective of ideological and humanistic heritage of Oriental philosophy of ZHUANG Zhou, the contemporary art practice respond alive in our democratic society.
Both emotional or intellectual emerge, different improvisation concerts, performance art, and the open dialogue exchange with audience as art talk, will be proposed.
Temporarily title: "Humanistic perspective on contemporary Poetry Arts-Action Practice
It will be departing on three times: human being / artist survival and living arts/about the art on globalization with time and space in the greenhouse effect.
Series concerts, live performance will be proposed in June and October during the exhibition, at three or four weekend, in Taipei Treasure Hill Artist Village as co-organizer of ART TALK
DADADAiii: http://dadadaiii.blogspot.tw/